Golisano Children’s Hospital

Syracuse, NY
The State University of New York Health Science Center campus undertook a planning effort for a Program Study/Conceptual Design for the Vertical Expansion of the East Wing of the Hospital in order to add additional bed capacity and provide patient rooms that meet today’s standards. The Vertical Expansion added five additional bed floors, on top of one floor of interstitial space adding 195,000 sq. ft. The interstitial floor allows for the transition from a concrete structure to a steel structure, as well as provide mechanical equipment and storage space. The first three floors of beds are for Cardiovascular, Neurosciences and Oncology services. The two upper floors of beds are designated as the Central New York Children’s Hospital at University Hospital. Combined, these floors added six new floors to the existing East Wing of the Hospital.

VAV patient core systems, infections isolation room exhaust, zoned automatic smoke control and ventilation energy recovery systems. The burners on the main Hospital boilers were upgraded to 38,000 #/hr each to meet the increased steam requirements for the project.

Patient care medical gas plants and distribution, Legionella water disinfection and water pressure booster systems.

Complete wet pipe type coverage, electric fire pump and heliport foam suppression systems.

Primary and secondary distribution with standby switchgear, life safety, critical care and equipment emergency distribution with standby diesel generators, fire alarm, nurse call and communications systems.


The design of this new high-rise medical facility is designed to be in compliance with State of New York Executive Order 111. In addition, the guidelines of the US Green Building Council were followed and incorporated where applicable.

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